Went to see the Wake boarding world cup competition last Sunday with noel and Chris at bedok reservoir. I've just started trying this sport, at east coast cable park. Its a nice but expensive sport, about $40 for 2 hours for students and $60 for adults for the same time. Anyway back to the world cup, it was an exciting seeing the competitors doing high flyer stuns. Like double 360 turns in mid air and just jumping to a certain hight with their boards flying. I envy the European crowd there, they were making alot of noise and knew how to cheer, sadly most of the locals just looked and stared at the contestants.
Pinoy however, was paying more attention to the girls in the surroundings than to the contestants. Overall i enjoyed the world cup, the wake boarders were the best, the commentator was exciting,(he didnt stop talking)and the weather was hot.
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