Friday, December 21, 2007

Servers camp 2007 Spirt of giving Part1.

Yes we had a camp this year from 16 to 18 dec in church. Theme was on spirit of giving.
This time round there where a lot of ups and downs in the camp, but it came it went and we lived through it. So God is always there with us.(thanks).\

We had a talk conducted by Father Terence. He first gave us a jigsaw puzzle with 2 missing pieces to each group. Later asked us to find the missing pieces. Some groups went to hunt for it,some just took the other groups pieces and some had to protect their pieces. On our part as servers, he pointed out that there was some rival in this game as some had to guard the pieces while others where taking it. Next he asked us to write down our top 5 most important things in our lives,then he began his talk. Well in our part of spirit of giving as servers, we are to remember the God sent his ONLY son(he gave) And his son died n the cross alone just for us. Nothing more spectacular can be said and done.

We as servers remember that we are serving god, and in serving we giving unconditionally for our masses that we serve. even if there are no boys for mass for whatever reason, Christ died on the cross alone, he can say mass alone. So in the part of the jigsaw puzzle, we should have helped each other out, and our 5 most important things, should try to give it up for God.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Lets101 Quizzes - Myspace Quiz

Got it off some website, don't know how true that is...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Confirmation mass

Just served confirmation mass today, well, frankly a mass is a mass, but it did not go as grand for the confirmates.. took some pictures, lazy to edit them. Damn couldnt get a pic with someone, oh well..

Iggy's at the back..

Some individual shots. i didnt take them, nor did i know what they doing..

Monday, November 12, 2007

18th bithday party

Well, celebrated my 18th birhtday last friday, on the 9th of nov, haha it was so much fun. Booked and planned a 4day 3 night chalet in downtown east during the weekend. Had BBq on my Birthday itself, I must say it was enjoyable though i was walking up and down all the time, and my parents where heavily exhausted. Its my 2nd birthday BBQ after my 16th birthday..

Uncle jerry and aunty bessie where great help BBqing and suppling us with laughter

The Cake cutting, Ice cream cake from swensens, Honestly didn't expect the cake to be that nice, was surprised.

Pete and I in escape theme park

Krystal and Ian

HEHE Krystal and Me

Thanks to all those who came,and those who helped in the BBq cooking hope you enjoyed my parents marinating and enjoyed yourselfs in the chalet itself, I did. Cheers!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Friday in St Pats History.

For the whole of last week I had to pick my brother up from school after his exams as he couldn't walk. Yesterday, however, as i was walking into school, i bumped into Brother Nicholas. I was rather surprise and he invited me to the Brother's quarters where i could relax for the next two hours whiles waiting. At that time i was craving for a can of coke, but before brother left to run his errands, he turned around and asked, "would you like to have a can of coke". i smiled, and he reached his hand for the fridge in his room and smiling said, "here, a can of ice cold coke".He left me immediately after that.

I guess the cross must have been there for a very long time.Below is and old door knob.

Typewriter, given to bro macnally

The remains of the old central staircase

During the wait, i walked around the quarters looking at some history artifacts in it.
There was an old teak table and on top of it displayed an antique type writer presented to bro macnally in the 1960s. Beside the teak table stood an old cabinet of st pats history, in it was the wood from the old central staircase, a few shields and trophy imprinted with the old brothers names in it from 1950s and a few merchandise like the school badge. Opposite the cabinet was what i thought never be there in school, and here in Singapore. There laid the vestment of the late Pope John Paul the second. it was given to the brothers of de la salle for safe keeping. Thanks to Fr iggy.

I'd never that i had this in my school when i was schooling here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Videos of the Wake boarding WC

Wakeboarding World Cup@ bedok reservoir

Went to see the Wake boarding world cup competition last Sunday with noel and Chris at bedok reservoir. I've just started trying this sport, at east coast cable park. Its a nice but expensive sport, about $40 for 2 hours for students and $60 for adults for the same time. Anyway back to the world cup, it was an exciting seeing the competitors doing high flyer stuns. Like double 360 turns in mid air and just jumping to a certain hight with their boards flying. I envy the European crowd there, they were making alot of noise and knew how to cheer, sadly most of the locals just looked and stared at the contestants.

Pinoy however, was paying more attention to the girls in the surroundings than to the contestants. Overall i enjoyed the world cup, the wake boarders were the best, the commentator was exciting,(he didnt stop talking)and the weather was hot.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Purple lights (Pulau Ubin)

It was my first camping trip in ubin. Stayed over for the weekend with the guys on the beach. For me, ubin is like old school Singapore.. It was an exciting camping trip in the outdoors. Now theres a fence around 20meters from the beach, it is to prevent immigrants to came in spore but it gave a terrible look on the shoreline. I didnt sleep much there though,was uncomfortable with the itches of fly bites around my foot and hands. But late into the night we spotted a firefly. normally i aspect them in a group but this time there was just one. The tiny red dot came as close to the shelter, thats my first time seeing a firefly and it sparkled the the darkness of the night.

This last two pics are of an Eagle and a kingfisher taken with my full 12x optical zoom.

Early in the morning, shorty after taking the eagles, we came across boar's tracks. Tracking the boar was exciting though we never got to see a glimpse of it, however, fresh tracks shows proof that it was there and a big one too. We tracked it from the corner of the beach to half way from our camp site. Hearing its grunt excited me, hopping to catch a glimpse of its movement, but it was just fast.

But the conversations late at night was memorable and really funny when mark came up with his purple light song he sings in the army just before breakfast. We had a ball of a laugh on this.
... see my girlfriend,
saw her with, another girl.
tied them up , to a tree.
with my buddy and my rifle and me..