Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Exams are around the corner. Spending my time studying now. I've got 4 subjects being tested, Maths, Static and strength of materials, Digital fundamentals and electronic devices. Starts this Friday till next Thursday. I hope i make it through and not sit for the supplementary paper. Till next time on the blog..

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A weekend in Sentosa

Its been a long time since i've stayed in sentosa. Id say last weekend there was really enjoyable(though i had to study and leave in between for an exam). It was actually planned in early January, but the chalets where all full till February. The Huts are now improved with a capacity of four beds. Though it was raining, it didnt damped our mound to go out and have a swim at the pool, though i missed the beach one and of course have a nice BBQ in the evening. It was all great. If not for them, i think i may not have enjoyed this much.