Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More australian animals

There are more seagulls than anything on this post, but i felt that the shots taken were nice,all the shots were taken at philip island in Australia. Its a beautiful place with much seafood around and they are good.

This very first pic is actually Full of seals. on the shore of this small island,rarly seen as they harldy come to the human beaches. its not a claer pic as these was abt one and a half football fields from where i was, on a rock.Cant see them clearly but you can make out the shape of the seals.. its very tiny on this pic

Ar this shot was taken by my uncle using my camera. Found them making a whole lot of noise under the broadwalk. Had difficulties taking a gd pic as the where under the broadwalk, so my cam was suspended under and using timer mode took this lovely shot. my uncle was lucky.

Found this a nice pic as the tree is standing out to the sea and seagulls

1 legged seagull

This pic is blur because of the lighting. sun in the wrong postion, but its of 2 macow, parrots.. commonly seen as a pest in australia and are hunted by farmers, however they are beautiful birds.


SHERWiN said...

Good job of suspending the camera by the strap.

doomed_troll said...

good pics, i like nature shots