Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And so Holy week ends and Easter begins.

Servers getting ready for mass on holy thursday

Good friday, The picture of jesus is covered symbolizing his death,and the tabarnacle door is open below.

The Youth passion play on the stations of the cross done in the church compound.
that boy or jesus died on the cross.
Palm(passion) Sunday marks the start of Holy week, symbolizing the entry of jesus into the holy city.During the week, all the days are considered Holy.Then there was Holy Thursday, or maundy thursday. the servers where in church from 3pm till midnight. helping in the masses and the Adoration.Came back again on good friday the whole day again.Well we where in church praticaly the whole weekend. But what made us going was not because of this happens once a year, but our fellowship was there and all of us were there to serve and honor our lord who came to save us.

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