Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Singapore Airshow

This blog is one week overdue but here it is. Went to the singapore aerospace show last weekend with my parents and destin. It was tough getting in as the crowd was overwhelming. I do not know much about planes except that they could fly. But the military hardware about planes looks cool and the stealth technology amazes me.

In the air display, they displayed a part on Singapore's military hardware and the rest were from the US and other countries. It was enjoyable to see the show and veiw the aircraft and do some photography. During the show, the Black knights demonstrated their acrobatics with the f-16, followed by the F/A-18, the golden eagle from korea the f-16 from the US, and a another planes from russia. followed by the A380 airbus and the finale was done by the Australians roulettes squadron.

Overall it was good, and as for destin, it was his first time going for an air show.

The Black Knights

Australian Roulettes

B1-B lancer. Biggest plane there.

1 comment:

doomed_troll said...

cool pics dude! the Lancer looks like an awesome plane. The video starts out hard to see but it worked out in the end eh